All national and research reports are available in Adobe
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Initial Draft of the synthesis of SAPRI research,
presented at the Second National Forum on 13-15 March 2001 in Dhaka
Bangladesh's Experience with Structural
Adjustment: Learning from a Participatory Exercise
Background Papers prepared by researchers and
presented at the Second National Forum on 13-15 March 2001 in Dhaka
Impact of Trade Policy Reforms on Industrial
Capacity and Employment in Bangladesh
Implications of Financial Sector
Impact of Reforms in Agricultural Input
Markets on Crop Sector Profitability in Bangladesh
Implications of Agricultural Policy Reforms
on Rural Food Security and Poverty
Consequences of Structural Adjustment
Policies on the Poor
Impact of Structural Adjustment Policies on
Impact of Structural Adjustment policies on
the Environment in Bangladesh
Governance, Structural Adjustment & the
State of Corruption in Bangladesh
Impact of Structural Adjustment Policies: An
Assessment Using Participatory Techniques
English summaries of research reports - March 2001
The Social and Economic Impacts of
Structural Adjustment Policies in Ecuador 1982-1999: Executive
The Social Impact of Basic Social Subsidies
in Ecuador 1982-1999: Executive Summary
Spanish summaries / resúmenes en español - enero
Evaluación de los Impactos
Económicos y
Sociales de las Políticas de Ajuste Estructural en el Ecuador 1982-1999:
Resumen Ejecutivo
Impacto Social de la Política de Subsidios
Sociales Básicos (1982-1999): Versión Resumida
Full reports in Spanish - January 2001 / informes
completos en español - enero 2001
Evaluación de los Impactos Económicos y
Sociales de las Políticas de Ajuste Estructural en el Ecuador 1982-1999:
Informe Final
Executive Summary in Spanish - July 2000 / Resumen
Ejecutivo en español - julio 2000
El Impacto de los Programas de Ajuste
Estructural y Estabilización Económica en El Salvador: Resumen Ejecutivo
English translation of Executive Summary
The Impact of Economic Stabilization and
Structural Adjustment Programs in El Salvador: Executive Summary
Full report in Spanish - December 2000 / informe
completo en español - diciembre 2001
El Impacto de los Programas de Ajuste
Estructural y Estabilización Económica en El Salvador
Spanish research summaries - March 2001 / Resúmenes en
español - marzo 2001
La Liberalización del Sistema Financiero en
El Salvador
La Privatización del Servicio de Energía
Elictrica en El Salvador
La Flexibilización del Mercado Laboral en
El Salvador
English translation of research summaries
The Liberalization of the Financial System
in El Salvador
Privatization of Electricity Distribution in
El Salvador
Ghana Country Report - 25 August 2001
Draft research reports presented at the Second National Forum
on 7-9 May 2001 in Accra
Trade Policy and Domestic Manufacturing in
Ghana - draft report, April 2001
Impact of SAP on Availability of and Access
to Health Care - draft report, April 2001
Impact of SAP on Access to and Quality of
Tertiary Education - draft report, April 2001
Impact of Mining Sector Investment in Ghana:
A Study of the Tarkwa Mining Region - draft report, 20 January 2001
Final Country Report, as agreed to by civil society,
the government of Hungary and the World Bank - June 2001
Socio-Economic Impact of Structural
Adjustment in Hungary
Executive Summary - March 2001
Ajuste y
Empobrecimiento: Veinte Años de
Crisis en México
Adjustment and Poverty: Twenty Years of
Crisis in Mexico
Country Report - July 2001 (Spanish only)
Draft reports presented at the Second National Forum
on 5-6 April 2001 in Manila
The Impact of Trade Liberalization on
Investment Liberalization, Republic Act (RA)
7942 (Mining Act of 1995) and its Impacts on Indigenous Peoples (IPs),
Upland Communities and Rural Poor, and on the Environment: The Case of
Didipio, Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya and Manicani Island in Eastern Samar
Summary reports
Harvesting the Seeds of Structural
Adjustment: A Synthesis Report on the Impact of SAPs on Food Security in
the Philippines
Final research papers - April 2001
Impact of Liberalisation on Agriculture and
Food Security in Uganda 1987-2000
The Privatization Process and its Impact on
The Impact of Public-Expenditure Reform on
Access to and Quality of Education and Health Care in Uganda
The Differences in Perceptions of
Research reports presented at the Second National
Forum on 9-10 April 2001 in Harare
Liberalisation of Agricultural Markets
Financial Sector Liberalization and the
Poor: A Critical Appraisal
The Impact of Public Expenditure Management
under ESAP on Basic Social Services: Health and Education
Trade Liberalisation under Structural
Economic Adjustment - Impact on Social Welfare in Zimbabwe
The Labour Market and Economic Development